The ultimate reward of my awakening has been experiencing the vast re-integration of my mind, body, and soul.
I would have to say that the most noticeable difference between who I was before and who I am now is the flexibility and lack of rigidity within my body. I’m experiencing a range of motion in every muscle/joint that I never knew was possible.
I think anyone who had known me before would say I came off as stiff, stoic, and reserved. There are a lot of ways to describe why, but one that dawned on me earlier this week, as I sit here writing in my new flexible and lighter body (that moves a lot more swiftly and gracefully), is to seek to understand how the flexibility of our body relates to the flexibility of our mind and soul.
One may notice, too, that when there is a release of a mental construct in life, along with it inevitably comes a physical release. Or vice-versa. The body responds when we put our guard up for protection and the more we do it, the more restriction. When this happens, the soul (or heart) begins to lose it’s power as part of the equation.
The mind can get so addicted to running the show that we begin to not notice how much our body and soul is being blocked out. This eventually leads to what we would categorize as “health issues” if we aren’t careful or aware enough.
You see it when you observe someone whose idea of the truth is far from what they are exhibiting through their behavior. As an example, pick any current politician. Their tweets and speeches reflect an attitude of who they think they are, but we often find the real truth through discussion of their public perception. Actions speak louder than words, and in a misaligned individual those words are usually coming directly from their mind. In a way, they lose a sense of whom they really are because true instincts and feelings lie beyond the mind, in the soul. People showcase their behavior all the time, and relationships often sour when one fails to recognize how much they have hurt the other person unintentionally because of their lack of awareness.
So how do we guide ourselves toward solutions which effectively allow us to BECOME truth - reflective of healthy thoughts and actions that are directly motivated by the soul? By encouraging growth in all three: physical movement to increase our flow of energy/expel toxins, seeking experiences that expand our perceived comfort zone, and providing space for the soul to speak in meditation. As the ego dissolves, things like food cravings/diet and weight control (loss or gain) change naturally.
A healthy combination is what I’m finding necessary for me each day...which is also why everything in my life is changing - room for self-acceptance, a greater ability to express myself psychically, mentally and emotionally, better relationships with people while also setting necessary boundaries, and a better relationship with my body. I’m learning how to dance, sing and teach for the true joy and love of it...rather than needing to find my place, despite a lack of self-worth, in a cruel and misaligned world where no one can be trusted. Present-day society has many, many ways of teaching us this from an early age and even reinforces it in adulthood, does it not? I was always sincerely connected with and successful at my professional pursuits, but now I’m a heck of a lot better.
Your place in the world is truly anywhere you want it to be and there is nothing to fear. I dream of a planet in which every child knows and FEELS this because they are taught it in school.
I’m not here to blog because I think I have all the answers. I’m evolving with you each day. My intention from the get-go was to put my life on full public display as an example of the awakening process so that one might learn from my thoughts just as much as observing the way in which my writing, life, and personality changes throughout my true spirit comes through ever more clearly. In any case, I will keep sharing, growing, and evolving and I thank you for stopping by to read my blog. The truth shall indeed set you free and I wish you well on your journey of discovery.