In all other planes of existence (other dimensional realms through which we travel) except Earth, the concept of time doesn’t exist. Past, present, and future are happening all at once and one exists as a spirit, an astral light-being. Higher vibratory emotions such as love, joy and peace permeate and one doesn’t experience fear, doubt, or worry - these are human emotions.
The reason we incarnate over and over again on earth is to advance our souls by serving others through our creativity. Your entire experience (the way you experience life each day, in the past and present) is built around guiding you to this realization. Each human being has a unique reason and purpose for being here (their destiny) and it based on their unique spiritual makeup. You know what it is because it’s what you love to do, what' you’ve always dreamed of doing, what you would do even if you didn’t get paid for it.. As you set your heart and intentions on this goal, you learn lessons, often through struggle, along the way. The lessons you are learning in your current lifetime are based on things you didn’t quite evolve from (karmas) in your previous ones.
Because our experience is as humans is linear, dealing in the past, past, and future, we don’t get to know which part of the journey we are on - what will rise and what will fall in order to achieve your destiny. If we did, what would make us strive for more - to make that change, to make the hard decision that will make us happier in the long run? This is the challenging part. And souls on earth are advanced to varying degrees depending on how many times they’ve reincarnated.
But one thing IS guaranteed - we have free will. At whatever level of awareness you are at, by simply setting your intentions on serving others with love, you will have a greater chance of achieving whatever your destiny is. You’ll find that whatever answer you need to move you further along will come - but it is up to you to frame it that way in your mind. How? By asking the question - what is this situation trying to teach me? You gain greater clarity by listening to the inner voices trying to help you. This starts by quieting your mind and understanding what’s there - prayer or meditation. Our karmas are becoming more obvious each day - this is precisely what we’re waking up to as a collective humanity.