No matter what age you are when it happens, anyone who receives the tell-tale signs that they are coming out of their unsought spiritual awakening wants to immediately proclaim from highest mountaintop: “I did it!!!".”
It’s a tremendous achievement and after weeks, months, or in my case, years, of being dedicated to waging war every day with inner fears/insecurities, you are beyond elated to see that hard work finally pay off in overt results. The endless pattern of set back/lesson/integration combined with increasing paranormal activity is weird to say the least, and you don’t always trust you’re going in the right direction because are sometimes seemingly alone. But in the end, it’s all worth it because the reward is in realizing that the only thing holding you back in life all along was your own mind. Truly. Being a lifelong shy/insecure empath and having built up many defense mechanisms to hide my lack of confidence (stemming of course, from childhood trauma), I never dreamed something like this could be possible…until it came out of nowhere after a personal tragedy and completely upended my sense of reality. And it will continue to…your awakening is JUST the beginning of a path that leads to you living your best life.
My life circumstances/interests/pursuits are in a VERY different place from where I started because they have to be. That’s essential to an awakening. By raising your dominant vibration (energy level) from what it was and clearing out thoughts/behaviors that no longer serve, you are left with the BEST version of yourself and attract whatever that means…like a super-charged magnet.
The first thing you feel compelled to do is share it with your closest friends/family. You’re curious to see if this was something they’d been experiencing too. A part of me was expecting to be welcomed with open arms - because surely the same people that saw me at my worst during my awakening (in the last two years especially) and have know me my whole life might be the most understanding, happy and proud to see me conquer my inner demons.
One of the most beautiful parts of this mysterious universal cleansing process is something I missed completely until this week. None of what I expected happened. While some expressed empathy in a beautiful way, most all of them questioned, mocked, or dismissed the experiences I was brave enough to share. I was so sad, angry and upset that it took me out of my spiritual "zone” enough to not write for almost five days. Going through it was hard enough, but having to lose your deepest connections afterward? Couldn’t my friends/family at the very least be supportive?
What I had failed to recognize is that it HAD to be this way all along in order for me to grow - that one of my final tests was proving to the universe that I care enough about myself to set boundaries with those who don’t. People who are asleep DON’T KNOW that they’re asleep (meaning: spiritually unaware of truth). If I could’ve woken up earlier just by hearing an experience from a friend, wouldn’t it have happened to me years ago? It was naive of me to think that I myself could wake them up…with human words. They must come to it on their own, through their own unique direct divine revelation. Coming to terms with this necessity has been one of the toughest parts of my journey.
A true soul alignment and purging of negative behavior is happening for more and more around the world and soon…it will be happen to ALL of us (if it isn’t already on some level). Live, love, learn, discover, and set boundaries with those who are interfering. You are doing them just as much good as you are doing yourself because as one individual heals, we all heal. If anything resonates, you have questions, or find that you don’t have much support for mystical experiences within your reality…my doors are always open to you and I’ve got your back no matter what.
Society at-large doesn’t yet have a system of unbiased support for appreciating and understanding personal spiritual experiences...mainly due to religious institutional values that favor exclusion over inclusion. It’s another control/fear-based system, like politics and healthcare, that will be re-imagined in the next decade. Globally, we're understanding that we can achieve much of that (faith, self-governance, and better health) by searching within rather than seeking it on the outside. This is the turning point.