Right now, you may feel negative energies (worry, fear, stress) rising in your body. These manifest themselves physically as well as emotionally/mentally. There are definitely very predictable patterns to the universal shift we are experiencing and the more you awaken, you’ll notice that these energies get especially wild during full and new moons. We had a super full moon Thursday morning at 6:35est - which is why I’ve been late on my post! I would suggest adding an astrological calendar to your collection in 2020.
During these periods of time, it will be hard to get things done. Your triggers will show up in your life at seemingly the worst time - potentially feeling even more present than they’ve been before. They are coming up because the way you have dealt with these issues in the past hasn’t led to growth - maybe you’ve found a way to distract yourself from them…to put them off. But in doing so, you didn’t really get at the root of the issue. The roots of our issues are becoming more apparent. Everything is connected, so you will most likely receive this intuition from whomever you are interacting with in your daily life at this very time.
For those that understand this, it’s a tremendous opportunity to cut these cords within yourself. Taking different action that leads to better outcomes in your life. Once you take the first step, you’ll discover how easy it is…it’s easier now more than ever before because the universal energies are supporting you in becoming the soul you were meant to be.
How can we be more in touch with our higher guidance during these times? How can we quiet our mind to know which actions are keeping us in fear and which would propel us forward?
I’d like you to try two things that will instantly change your state and calm whatever anxieties you are feeling:
Salt is mentioned in the bible as well as many other ancient sacred texts as a purifier. The use of epsom salt as a way to sooth achy muscles/joints is widely known, especially with the emerging popularity of “float tanks” and the proven fact that immersion in magnesium can help draw toxins from your body. Simply draw a bath with warm water, add two cups of epsom salt, and soak. Allow thoughts to enter and exit and without judgement, observe the energy as it passes though you. Add an essential oil if you’d like, but try to keep all electronics off and away. You want to pay yourself the full attention it deserves. Soak for 15 minutes, rinse off and notice the difference in how you feel before and after. You are cleansing negative energies - whatever came up is being released so that you can make decisions from your new state of awareness. I’ve taken two baths each day, sometimes more, in combination with regular float therapy over the last three years - this is what works the best for my routine…yours may look drastically different or might not involve bathing at all!
My other all-time favorite instant remedy is controlled breathing. Box breathing (or 4x4x4x4) is used by Navy Seals to calm them down in times of immediate stress. Simply inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts, and hold for four counts. Then, repeat! This can be done while walking, washing dishes, lying down, in a crowded train….wherever…it provides relief by getting you out of your head to focus on your how you breathe - taking something that is usually unconscious and making it conscious, tapping into the present.
Our brains can’t make sense of what’s going on - part of what’s causing all of the “acting out” you might see in the news if you own a television - so these techniques return your attention to the present moment. Your highest self knows exactly why you chose to experience whatever it is you are going through and can give you clear direction when you are calm, quiet, and balanced. If you would like to share your experiences/what has worked for you, please feel free to do so in the comments!