There is an increasing dichotomy happening at this precise moment in human history. Between those who understand they are on the pathway of ascension and awakening and those who continue on in the third dimensional frequency that they see as reality. The majority are still moving through these many levels of consciousness, the majority are still struggling - confused, frightened, and angry. Each of us must find our way through a step at a time.
Those that have come to walk the path of light see these moments in human reality as doorways, opportunities to rise above and enter into a greater consciousness. In doing that, you move further and further away from the collective mindset. You must. It doesn’t mean that you’ve perfectly found your way through, but it becomes your predominant focus, knowing that that pathway is opening. You are not crazy.
THIS is the path that will lead you home. It doesn’t mean leaving your incarnation…it means that you can be at home right here and right now. In this moment, this reality, this present consciousness. The arrival and recognition of “home” for humanity is now.
What’s happening in the world right now is very, very real, but it also not real at all. Both of these statements are true depending on what level of consciousness you see it. If one understands that at the highest level, you are always whole and complete, at one with your source - then you are already home, you exist in the truth. You are not “heading” in that direction, you are already there. It doesn’t mean you necessarily experience that particular reality all the time, but you can experience it to varying degrees most of the time…more and more as the universal energies continue to shift. Everything else going on in the world outside of your life becomes nothing more than an ever-changing appearance of things. It is completely empowering.
Even just simply holding that knowledge as your highest truth will guide you forward and give you exactly what you need. The only way you can ever be certain of whether what you are doing is rightful is how it makes you feel. If your heart feels expansive, open, peaceful, exuberant, inspired, directed - no one can argue with that. it is not an invention in your mind, but a sacred inner knowing, your true experience. Try to enjoy the journey!