Throughout my entire awakening journey, which lasted three years, I have been seeing the SAME specific numbers, over and over again. At random times. The numbers I saw in so many different forms were 7, 11, and 22. In the spirit world, these are considered “angel” or “divine numbers.” This occurrence happened whether I happened to check my phone, was watching the news and glanced at the ticker, caught the time on my oven clock, or even glanced up at a bus going by that was number #1122. It would happen all the time. I even remember sitting in a subway car, looking up and seeing these numbers, in sequence even on an train ad. It kept happening so frequently that I began taking screenshot pictures when it happened on a daily basis (evidence below). At very desperate times, these numbers were the ONLY thing that gave me hope to continue. It was also one of the only direct ways of showing and explaining what was going on to my parents, as it happened when I was with them, and for them to trust that what I was going through was real.
The numbers are meant to guide you, to encourage you, to keep you steadfast while moving in the right direction. I have had both terrible feelings (at the time) situations/thoughts/realizations and wonderful ones while seeing these numbers. Mostly, I believe these are revealed when you are facing a situation that is tough. You understand why it’s necessary, that there’s no way to get out of it, and that you must put the work in if you are going to get anywhere more desirable. You know this deep down. If you are questioning, the spirits might throw you a “keep going!!” by showing you a number in your reality. That is one of the many ways they speak to you. Remember, nothing in your life is designed by accident - it’s a result of your conditioned thoughts, behavior, and actions. If you want to change an action, you must first become aware of the false belief that creates it.
The numbers anyone sees varies from person to person. The point is that it is RECURRING in your reality. More than just by coincidence. You will ABSOLUTELY know and feel it. The next time you see a recurring number in your reality, examine your thoughts. What are you thinking about or processing at THAT exact moment? You spirit guides and angels just might be guiding you…