We all “channel” when we do what we love, the things we just have to do to feed our spirit. It’s channeling your true nature, the ever-eternal spirit that exists within you. Can you think back to a time when you were doing something and it happened so perfectly that you didn’t even have to think about what you were doing while you were doing it? The feeling that you don’t know where it came from? Athletes and artists talk about this a lot.
We are all now finding out our true heart’s desires. This isn’t wishful thinking. It was a pre-determined program placed in you before you were born (In fact, you even made those agreements)…it’s what keeps us striving towards our goals through our struggles and challenges (karma). It helps us learn our lessons and grow so that we can advance our souls to level needed to fulfill our desires. The truth of who you are lives within YOU - it’s not something that anyone else can know. We’re listening to and following our heart’s desires more nowadays, as we learn that much of what was in our life might have been unfulfilling.
Channeling happens when you make any effort towards your heart’s desire. It will be gifted to you. Step into the role that you believe you should be, assume it, and you immediately have more power. Recognizing this, our spirits and angels will give you everything you need to fulfill it. Remember, there will be bumps along the way, but how else are we supposed to learn and develop?
What are the desires in your heart? Mine are sharing the hidden mysteries behind our universal realities and teaching singing. Whenever I do these things, I’m immediately helpful in any way, no matter what. I can’t fail, I can’t make a wrong move. The universe steps in and gives you the strength/energy whether you are ready or not! My life is evidence of this right now as it’s changing by leaps and bounds. It can happen for you too. Are there challenges? Of course, every step of the way. But then you learn that you are really fighting yourself. We are all imperfect beings striving towards what we know to love. Start channeling today by doing what you love and move further toward the destiny you deserve to have. Pay attention to how you feel when you do things and do more of the activities that raise your spirit.