As I’ve highlighted in previous postings, the absolute best way to hack your inner world and what you encounter on a daily basis - to defragment it, reassemble and rebuild it into the best version of whatever you set out to be in this lifetime - is by meditating. Slowing down your thoughts and making the determined choice to not act on them, but observe them. You identify the difference between YOU and your mind and alchemize feelings of fear into hope, wonder, and curiosity. Through the process of uncovering the real you, you are guaranteed to level-up your reality whether you like it or not, because you start to make choices from your heart rather than your mind.
But I’ve learned that there are also specific questions you can ask of your divine team of guides/angels to make it more straight-forward if you are as obsessed with self-transformation as I am. Here are two:
“Dear Creator (or God, Jesus, Buddha…remember, it doesn’t really matter which name because every spiritual name we would recall is a symbol of their intention manifested on earth at that time - the spirit that comes to aid carries the essence of whatever incarnation you speak), I’m ready to be of service. Use me for what is rightful for my energy. “ If you make a simple practice of that phrase in the morning, you’ll see your world collide with someone else who carries either the same energy as the current you or future you - and the very nature of your interaction will be helpful the both of you in some way. Try it and experiment! Change the language to fit you, And keep an open mind…the person might be someone you know or not. Living in New York, I was amazed at how on days when I did this, I would meet the most fascinating people on the subway train or on a random street who had just the bit of advice I needed to hear…or maybe I gleaned it from a story they told.
“Guides of light and love, I acknowledge and thank you for your spiritual protection. I invite you in the next 24 hours, whether in a dream or during my day, to reveal (insert issue here).” This statement both acknowledges that help is there and invites a message/answer to be shown to you. Both are crucial in developing the connection between you and your spiritual team because they don’t have permission to interfere unless we allow them to. Those in spirit respect our free will and want us to always be empowered in making our own choices - this is what it means to be human. Rather than words, they speak to use through pictures and extra-sensory feelings (telepathy), so the answer will come when your body is in a physical state to receive it. Again, keep an open mind in identifying how the answer to your issue might have reached you and maybe consider starting a dream journal.
The degree to which we can perceive of our divine intuition is completely dependent on both on the way we communicate AND our belief that it even exists, which present-day society has done a great deal to threaten. We all have this assistance and tapping into it NOW will help you greatly in making the transition to earth’s new paradigm, post Coronavirus.