A paradox is defined as “a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.” Perhaps the MOST divine paradox of our lives is that we have free will, yet much of it is predetermined. They are two sides of the same coin. Why must it be this way? We must first remember that we all have a reason for being here.
Disclaimer: Nothing I’m telling you now is something you don’t already know deep inside - we choose to forget so that we can wake up and learn lessons by breaking free of our limitations. It’s the only way you would ever be motivated to grow and develop…by gaining strength through perseverance. Why would you strive for more in life if you knew exactly what was going to happen and when? The ultimate goal of a soul is to achieve, in human form through many lifetimes, the recognition of their full soul’s capacity just as it exists outside of this dimension….in space, in heaven. We all start on earth “school” in kindergarten and graduate through various reincarnations, eventually achieving full enlightenment in our final lifetime. Think Jesus of Nazareth, Eckhart Tolle, MLK, Buddha, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, ancient saints and prophets - these are enlightened incarnates on earth reflective of heightened soul development, but each of them had many incarnations previously in order to achieve what they did in their lifetime, to be known as the names which we remember and celebrate.
There are various pre-determined points in your life, people you’ve placed along the way and situations you must face in order to have the rightful opportunity to fulfill your destiny. People you develop relationships with in you current life are almost always souls you’ve spent time with before in previous incarnations. Why? You are working out karmas by relating to each other in a different role than you did previously.. They are your friends, family, lovers, enemies and there is some lesson to be learned there - good or bad. Again, you don’t get to know ahead of time….but if you stay determined on your path and maintain your connection with your higher guidance, you WILL find out and achieve whatever your destiny is/was and ultimately understand the role that very relationship played in helping you realize your destiny.
That is the paradox. That you can have a tiny kernel of a sense of what that destiny is while going through life (it’s what motivates you to evolve yourself), yet you are granted free will at the same time - and it still happens! Destiny is an energy, not a specific set-in-stone plan and that plan changes based on choices you make. You need not worry about the who and what, just the lesson to be learned.
No single person’s destiny is guaranteed and it is truly up to them to fulfill it. There are messages being sent to you all the time in the world around you and the people you encounter. How do you tap in and become more aware of your inner guidance, your higher self and soul team that is always there to protect and serve you when asked? It starts with being comfortable in the silence. Observing your thoughts through meditation or prayer and nurturing that relationship. Trusting them helps them trust you. The universe has granted all of us time for that now, individually and collectively, in 2020.