Karma (the things we carry in life this time around that we must overcome) is not a punishment, although it may feel like it at times. It's an opportunity for growth, expansion, enlightenment and personal freedom. Anytime you move through a portal in life, a challenging situation that feels like the size of a pinhead, it requires that you give up almost everything you had known or thought to be true prior. You submit yourself to something greater. Prayer, meditation, communicating with your angels/spirit guides that are with you at every moment whether you feel them or not. You are not alone and never will be. This is the reality that many in the world are waking up to each and every day as the consequences of the virus rewire our hearts/minds/souls.
Our karma, to some extent, ISN’T real. They are illusions based on a programmed patterns that all of our thoughts/actions are based on. You can change them. Start slow, remain persistent even when you don’t see overt results (because your habits will fight to resist change until the bitter end), and you will see the world around you change dramatically. But you have to be willing to let go.