Everyone who will experience the SHIFT during this lifetime will experience a conscious merge with their higher self. Your higher self is the YOU that exists right at this very moment, in spirit form. Your higher self exists free of limitation and worry, knowing exactly why you are here and what you must accomplish. It always knows what’s best for you. Your higher self comes through most clearly when you are doing something you love, when you channel. We tend to go in and out of this experience.
The whole idea of the great awakening is that this is THE moment in time where we are ALL coming to recognize our highest selves. It can be looked at in two ways: an ascension (evolution of our human form) or an awakening in the sense that our souls are coming INTO our bodies more fully than before. It will happen at different rates across the world, more increasingly as time passes. But this recognition doesn’t come easy.
The planetary alignments are awakening a dormant energy that lies inside every human being - this begins this transformation. When I was going through it, I naturally attracted material focusing on Kundalini (of the Hindu tradition). However, this energy is detailed differently in major religions throughout history. Your ego or mind will try so desperately to hold on for dear life - to resist as your soul seeks to enter. Your body, mind, and emotions will all be affected as the energy realigns your body. You will feel and know that what is happening. What are some of the symptoms you might be experiencing as this happens? Here are a few:
Insomnia/erratic sleep patterns, intense dreaming, need for naps
Sadness and depression
Increased irritability and anxiety, confusion, inability to focus
Large changes to diet and food cravings
Muscle spasms, joint pain, headaches, ringing in the ears
Emotional processing - life review followed by release of emotions
Relationship difficulties, issues with communication
Noticing synchronicity in your life (including numbers)
Natural attraction to spiritual material
Feeling lighter as the energy clears out your system - we are literally becoming “light bodies” with less density
Desire to be more of service to others
Desire to spend more time in nature
Desire to make changes in your life - certain things are no longer serving you
Greater sensory perception and awakening to greater intuition
There are no hard and fast rules for this process and everyone’s experience is unique. However, one thing is sure - it’s a historically remarkable and unprecedented time to be living on planet earth. Accept the need for self-care in your life and take comfort in knowing that whatever you are going through right now is meant to help you reach the other side - the consciousness (in human form) of knowing that you are/were never alone and the freedom to always make choices for your highest good. Then energy needs to cleanse and heal you before that can happen. It will all be worth it! Then, you’ll have the live you’ve dreamed of, which will always be at least ten times greater than what you imagined. Whatever is coming up and out, emotionally/physically/mentally, will be gone for GOOD.