Corona is our coronation, our crowning. It’s the major catastrophic trigger that is shifting power back to humanity from the elites who have held it unjustly for so long. We are watching the evolution of the human species unfold every day. Light is literally entering through your crown and raising your frequency. It’s time to make space for it to shine.
What can we look forward to? A higher communion with each other and with our source, Brahman, God, whatever you want to call it because it is beyond words, indescribable. It will be a higher vibratory frequency that will grant us an awareness of who we are beyond this current life. Our hidden past-life talents will come through, as if by magic, as we re-connect to those with whom we share an eternal bond. Time will speed up. In very gradual baby steps…first, the overall energy on earth needs to shift from dark to light before we really see the breakdown of everything we know as “normal.” It’s happening everywhere and its beautiful!
So, what does that mean for those continue to seek distraction? Sudden death or being banished into limbo? Not exactly….there will be a timeline split. As the new high vibratory energy carries “believers” (in good, in inclusion, in higher awareness once released from their low-vibe patterns) into a 5D reality of our world, those who do not will remain in our current reality. They will be constricted to the perpetual state of limbo…seeking direction - bound and restricted to our the subconscious patterns that frequently shoot us in the foot, even when we’re cognizant of them, as we move through life. The same issues that keep plaguing us over and over until we seek to change them (a.k.a. karma from our past lives).
This is it - the time to accept expansion, the awareness, the awakening, and fly with it. To stop seeking distraction in whatever form. Sometimes this just means sitting, breathing, and listening. As an evolving planet, we’re subject to our weakest links. Let’s help those in need transform and set aside the “good/bad,” “I believe this/you believe that,” the things that divide us. The time to put that to rest forever really is now.