Our collective consciousness, as humans, is shifting. Right now, what’s most important is that every person gravitate towards anything that they feel is good, inclusive, and collaborative - for their benefit and the benefit of others. I’m seeing in my own life and lives of my friends, no matter the faith denomination, that when they cling towards love and hope, their lives are changing for the better. This doesn’t mean that life changes automatically - it’ll rather feel like a longer, drawn-out process of examining the intentions behind every word, thought and action as you live your normal life (interacting and doing what you need to do). In your concern, questioning, love, attention, and hope, you will be given exactly what you need in order to become aware and make changes. It can be at times challenging and painful, but also euphorically liberating. Remember that we often make changes only when we're backed into a corner, forced to. In taking the time to become honest, your life can shift in beautiful and miraculous ways. But, remember, change is very far from linear. Old, ingrained habits are hard to break because they have to be.
We are all expanding at our own rate, by individual choice. After this mass period of awakening is over, those who have chosen the “light” (peace, love, collaboration, inclusion, harmony) rather than dark will reap the rewards of “heaven on earth.” A spiritual harmony among all living things that has only ever existed outside of this planet - a true restructuring at both the individual and societal level as each individual aligns themselves with the truth of his/her soul. Time, as we know it, will speed up exponentially and we will see dramatic changes in individual personalities - what people choose to do for fun/work and who they choose to spend time with. In the end, we may end up realizing that all of the major religions of the world were intending, through their best efforts, to point to the same thing.
Which stage do you see yourself at? Take your life day by day, knowing that if you make the best choice for yourself, it will be the best choice for society. Everything in the universe is connected; every piece affects the whole. This monumental process affects you physically, psychologically, and emotionally. Remember to be easy on yourself and patient.