Light workers and star seeds are old souls, who reincarnated many, many times and have a very deep connection with earth and all its creatures. They exist everywhere in the world and are stepping into their personal power now. They are empaths who will shine a light for others and hold a space of love, acceptance, and non-judgement in all fields and capacities. It is time to listen to their voices as you yourself are waking-up in this transcendent time. They have the answers and hold the calm and peaceful stillness necessary to make spiritual progress during this time. The very nature of their life has given them this strength and they have been, in ways, working towards this moment their whole lives.
Soon, the doors of abundance and opportunity will open up broadly for lightworkers around the world to assume the positions of leadership. This is how our society will be re-built in the new paradigm. They will appear as any age, race, or gender because that’s precisely the point! Everyone will have a voice in the new paradigm. We’ve already shifted and what was previously built up is now being destroyed. Individually and globally.