More Mozart...

I am very excited to announce that I have been cast in the role of Il Conte in Le Nozze di Figaro, one of Mozart's most frequently performed operas, for two upcoming productions! The Count is my most extensive role to date. Deep preparation is already underway! Here's the info...


NY Lyric Opera Theatre:

Le Nozze di Figaro (Il Conte), Mozart   [Concert Version, Abridged]

  • August 28th at 8:00PM - Nola Studios in New York City

Manhattan Opera Studio:

Le Nozze di Figaro (Conte), Mozart   [Full Opera, Staged]

  • October 30th at 7:00PM - The National Opera Center in New York City

Summer Recap

My eventful summer began with a trip back to my second home, Minnesota. While there, I enjoyed the warm weather and picturesque landscapes, reunited with old friends, visited my former voice teacher, and served as the music director of Lamp Camp for the second year in a row. This camp, founded by my good friend Justin Edin, is extremely unique in that it offers training in improv theater, dance, and singing in children elementary and high school. I'm amazed at the new levels of confidence these kids are able to achieve in only two weeks! It's exciting to watch our numbers grow and see this program become further established in the Central-Minnesotan community each year. Our dream is to take our camp to other locations, possibly even to Australia! I look forward to returning next year.


While many of my singer friends traveled to other states and countries to participate in summer festivals, I opted to stay in NYC for the rest of the summer to continue working at church, take weekly voice lessons with my teacher, and attend Meisner-based acting classes at the Acting Studio - NY on W 54th St.

At the acting studio, students "learn fundamental acting principles through a step-by-step progression of exercises that develop his/her ability to work organically, and to create truthful and expressive behavior in acting." I believed that a non-musical approach would be exactly what I needed to further my training, and I ended up loving the process! I even made the decision to enroll in the studio's two-year evening acting program, which begins in September. I can't wait to learn more about the craft, gain a greater awareness of my instincts, and apply these tools to my singing. 

In recent weeks, I have been putting a lot of attention on an exciting new project: offering voice lessons to the parishioners of St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, in Jersey City, NJ, where I have been the cantor for the past two years. Aside from gaining more one-on-one teaching experience, I'm hoping to help enhance our community's spiritual involvement through singing. The ultimate goal is to build a choir that would sing for weekly masses. I put a notice in the church bulletin last week, and already have three regular students who have been a joy to teach! 

As summer turns to fall, I look forward to the excitement of being a substitute teacher in the public school system, performing new roles (more on that in my next post), and cooler weather in NYC!

St, John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, Easter 2014

St, John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church, Easter 2014